Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Color Theory and Emotional Effects

  1.          Color which is one of the elements of art is defined as an object producing different sensations on the eye resulting from the way the object reflects or emits light. Color defines lines, shapes, forms, and space.  Color plays a role on our emotions for many different reasons, and one being the color alone. Different shades of colors play with our emotions and we get a feel of what the artist is trying to portray. For example, black is a dark color so one might feel sad or gloomy where as a yellow might make someone cheery and happy.
  2.       The theory of art that most intrigues me is that all colors are dependent on light. I didn’t know that due to light the colors we see are just a reflection of light rays. I find this most interesting because the colors we see come from something that can be changed which is light and in all color is just a function of light.
  3.       In the color video, one point that stood out the most to me about color was that they stated it was hard to paint emotion. That was hard for me to believe because whenever I see a painting all I see is all the emotion it portrays and how all the colors work together to give you that emotion you feel when you look at it. What the viewer of the art work didn’t know that it took a lot of time and effort to get those emotions out there onto the canvas and it isn’t easy to just paint what you feel especially with many different colors. You have to get the colors to complement each other to get everything in sync.
  4.       In the Feelings video, the point that made the biggest impact was the point he made about artists and how they use space to heighten feeling. Also the point when he said artists portray feeling through the use of light and shade. With using the space and using shade and light to ones advantage they can have many different forms of feeling going throughout their work of art. Also with doing so they are giving the view different emotions as they look at an art piece and all of those emotions one feels comes from the elements of art.

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