Sunday, September 27, 2015

Exploring Value and The Subtractive Color Theory

1. My thoughts on the value scale were that it was fairly easy, the only problem was trying to get the shading right. My thoughts on the color wheel were that it was difficult. The instructions were unclear and the colors I have bought didn't work well. I did the best I could and it seemed to work but out of the two assignments this is the one I had the most difficulty with.
2. The media I used was a scanner. It felt as though the images came up better when scanned directly onto the computer.
3. The most important discovery I thought came out of the value assignment was the different values that came come from just one utensil. The most important discovery I thought came out of the color wheel assignment was how mixing just two colors together can produce a completely different color. Some of the colors I mixed together came out producing a color I didn't know was possible.
4. The videos on watercolor helped me the most with this project because of the important information it provided. In the video they said that texture of the paper shows through and that was shown to be true. It also provided me with new knowledge on how to use watercolors that I didn't know before. I felt and though the videos were very helpful in understanding both watercolor as well as the video showing me how to do the value scale.

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