Saturday, October 3, 2015

Logo Design

1. I thought that creating my logo was a fun and creative task. It got me thinking of many different ideas on how I would express myself in just one word. Although it started off to be hard at first the more I got more ideas on the page picking the right one was no problem.

2. The process I took while coming up with my logo was think of one word as to how I would describe myself. Many words came to mind and many different logos but narrowing it down to one seemed to be the hardest. It was not easy picking just one word or picture to describe myself because I feel as though there was never the perfect one. Throughout the process of creative thinking I finally picked the one with the most meaning behind it as one that truly does describe me the best. 

3. The most important discovery I made while making my logo was there are many different ways to portray myself. Another important discovery I made was one logo could speak to everyone about who you are as a person. It is crazy how one image can tell a lot about yourself.

4. The information I learned from the PowerPoint helped me start to generate ideas as well as how to eliminate them. The video, Graphic Design: What's in a logo, helped me the best to understand that a logo has to manipulate space as well as be a simplistic work. The video taught me that the more simple it was the better off it would be and the more space I use the better. Logo's are strong, simple and capture the essence and that is exactly what I used when making my logo. In my opinion this video made the most sense to me and helped me when making my logo. I feel as though the video, Bottled Up: Repackaging the Design, didn't make an impact on my logo making process.

Brainstorming Ideas:

Final Project:

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