Saturday, November 7, 2015

Module 10 Video Review

  1. I have picked the videos African Art: Legacy of Oppression and African Art because I have always been interested in learning more about Africa. I am currently taking a course involving African American literature and these videos provided me with information on the arts of Africa. I also picked these videos for a more personal reason and that being I have an adopted brother who is African American and I love learning about his culture. 
  2. In the African Art: Legacy of Oppression video I learned that the Kongo region is home to 250 different cultures. I also learned that African Art affected the West because it is abstract, simple and dramatic. In African artwork the artists give psychological truth to human form. In the African Art video I learned that art is a part of daily life not only is it in their homes it is also in their dress and their hairstyles as a form of expression, art is also important in traditional African rituals. In Africa art emerged as a carrier for magic and rituals. 
  3. In the text they talked about how tradition plays a role in art just like the videos did (Chapter 18). The text also stated that art in Africa serves as an agent to bring about desired state of affairs, through the contact with sprit powers in chapter 18. The videos elaborated on that idea because they stated African art is in their rituals which involve spiritual powers. 
  4. I really enjoyed watching these films, they brought light on new ideas and concepts I once didn't know about African art. They provided me with more information as well as new information about different ways that art influences everyday life. 

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