Saturday, October 31, 2015

Module 9 Exploring Line

  1. Using my hand as the subject matter turned out to be very interesting. At first I didn't know to position my hand or how to go about doing it but having the example in front of me really did help. I didn't know how hard it was to draw my own hand until now!  
  2. I used pencil because for me it is easier to draw with.
  3. It was definitely a challenge drawing with my non-dominant hand. At first it was difficult to even hold the pencil with my left hand, I wanted to switch over to my dominant hand. My drawings do show that drawing with my non-dominant hand was a struggle.
  4. The drawing of my left hand looks more like a hand than the drawing of my right hand. It took more time for me to draw my right hand over drawing my left hand. I do feel that the end result is successful, including detail in both.
  5. After this project, I would not consider using my non-dominant to create artwork in the future. I have a hard enough time creating artwork with my dominant hand and using my non-dominant was a real challenge for me.

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