Saturday, November 21, 2015

Video Review Module 12

1. For this assignment I chose to watch the videos Andy Warhol: Images of an Image and Isamu Noguchi: The Sculpture of Spaces. I chose Andy Warhol's Images of an Image because it seemed like an interesting topic. I also chose The Sculpture of Spaces because the title caught my attention.

2. In the video Andy Warhol: Images of an Image some of the key concepts that stood out to me was that they talked about how to transfer an image from being a photo and make it into a silk screen, to do this you have enlarge the image several times. While I was watching the video I was interested in the part when they were talking about Andy Warhol's portraits of the women who they made one picture into ten but changing some little things in each one to make them different then the last one. In the portrait of imitation only the basic traits of the face survived because Warhol would make subtle changes to the surroundings or minor changes to the face. In the video Isamu Noguchi: The Sculpture of Spaces I noticed that many things go into making sculptures for spaces. One of these things is that the space in which the sculptures are being placed, it is important that the sculptures are one with the surroundings and that they are not overshadowed by buildings or other objects. The placement of sculptures is also important because it sets the mood for the overall piece.

3. The video Andy Warhol: Images of an Image relates to the textbook in a couple ways. One way that I found is that in Chapter 22 it talks about how Andy Warhol used silkscreen to recreate dozens of duplicates of his artwork. In the textbook it shows a picture of one of his works which is of Marilyn Monroe, which he used silk-screening to recreate this work. The video Isamu Noguchi: The Sculpture of Spaces relates to the video in a couple different ways. One example I found in the textbook is Ernesto Neto's Leviathan Thot in Paris. The sculpture is very well designed and everything in the sculpture is very well placed.

4. My opinion of the film Andy Warhol: Images of an Image was that it was somewhat hard to follow at certain times but it did help me understand some different art techniques and gave me a better understanding of how Andy Warhol created his works of art and what made them so unique. The film Isamu Noguchi: The Sculpture of Spaces was also tough to focus on as the video sometimes went half minutes without and talking and just showing pictures and not really talking about many key concepts. Although it was tough to focus on I do think it helped me understand the importance of sculptures and how much work goes into making them successful works of art.  

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