Sunday, December 6, 2015

Video Review: Week Thirteen and Fourteen

  1. The key concepts from the video, The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art, are that lowbrow means a person regarded as uncultivated and lacking in taste. Most of the lowbrow artists have nudity and are explicit and they refer to that as lowbrow imagery. Lowbrow is now called pop surrealism and is becoming more common. In the video, Tate Modern, there were many key concepts. Tate Modern is referred to as a "make you think" theme park. Many people go there for the size and because it speaks directly to the audience. People feel confident when they go there and are part of the learning process. Another key point was that Tate Modern is a challenge convention, you look at everything through present day eye. In the video, An Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and The Metropolitan Museum, a key concept was they spoke about curator's and their role. Curator's explain the artwork, they plan the exhibit as well as the theme to go along with it. Another key concept that was said in the video is that when viewing art you never fully get rid of personal taste. The Metropolitan Museum is referred to as the encyclopedic museum.
  2. The last video, An Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and The Metropolitan Museum, related to the creation of the art exhibition project. In the video they explain in detail was a Curator was and how important their role is. Learning this and their importance helped me to get a better understanding to the role I am playing in this project.
  3. The video, The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art, I personally didn't like and I didn't think had anything to do with helping me create my project, The video did provide me with information on lowbrow because before viewing this video I had no idea what that even meant. The video, Tate Modern, I liked a lot because of the artwork that was shown. The video, An Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and The Metropolitan Museum, helped me gather a better understanding for what a curator is and played a role in the creation of my project.

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