Saturday, October 31, 2015

Module 9 Exploring Line

  1. Using my hand as the subject matter turned out to be very interesting. At first I didn't know to position my hand or how to go about doing it but having the example in front of me really did help. I didn't know how hard it was to draw my own hand until now!  
  2. I used pencil because for me it is easier to draw with.
  3. It was definitely a challenge drawing with my non-dominant hand. At first it was difficult to even hold the pencil with my left hand, I wanted to switch over to my dominant hand. My drawings do show that drawing with my non-dominant hand was a struggle.
  4. The drawing of my left hand looks more like a hand than the drawing of my right hand. It took more time for me to draw my right hand over drawing my left hand. I do feel that the end result is successful, including detail in both.
  5. After this project, I would not consider using my non-dominant to create artwork in the future. I have a hard enough time creating artwork with my dominant hand and using my non-dominant was a real challenge for me.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Module 9 Video Review

The Power of Art: Caravaggio

  1. I selected this video because I wanted to know the meaning behind Caravaggio's paintings. His artwork can have many different meanings but getting to know more about them are why i choose this video. 
  2. During this video I learned that most of his paintings were done in order to get himself out of trouble. He was always doing something wrong and on the run so his paintings served as an apology, for him to be forgiven from his sins. In some of his paintings he takes Gods and makes them into human form. One point I thought was interesting was how he clusters people/objects together to demolish the safety barrier between the viewer and the painting. 
  3. The text,chapter 17, stated that Caravaggio's work has strong emotion, and uses dramatic lighting in his paintings. The video goes into detail about how much emotion is in each piece of art by stating the meaning behind it. The video also talks about his use of lightness and darkness and how it increase dramatic affect in his work. 
  4. I really liked this film because it really went into detail about how much emotion or feeling can come out of one artwork. This video brought about many great examples of Caravaggio's art and elaborated on the points that were made in the text. Artwork is very powerful and can have many different meanings and the video and text added more understanding to those points. 

Albrecht Durer: Image of a Master 

  1. I picked this video because I wanted to know more about how Albrecht Durer uses the process of aging in this artwork.
  2. During the video I learned that his artwork portrayed scenes from daily life. They were relatable in a way due to the fact that his artwork conveyed ideas from daily lives. He also did a lot of artwork on his family and used his process of aging that he is known for. He was very talented and started his artist journey when he was only 13! 
  3. In the text, chapter 16, it is said that Albrecht Durer attempted to fuse Italian ideas and discoveries with the Northern love of meticulous observation. He felt that Northern art lacked theory and science which he incorporated into this work. 
  4. This film seemed to lack detail but it went into more detail than the text about him and his artwork. I feel like the text incorporated him in but the video had only a little more detail about him. This video did add depth to the reading by having more details as well as describing him as a person. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Module 8 Video Review

1. The video I selected from the list given was The Greek Awakening: Art from the 5th Century B.C. I had selected this video because it seemed very interesting and provided me an extensive background of the history of art in Greece and how important it was during the 5th century.

2. In the video, The Greek Awakening: Art from the 5th Century B.C., I learned how Greece was the birth place of western civilization. During the 6th and 5th century's there was a revolution in art, architecture, philosophy, and theater. Human beings are the center of life in Greece which helped in shaping art into what it is today and Greece stands as the furniture of the mind. In the video, More Human Than Human, I learned about how important images have become. The human body is the most dominate image in art and it is something we see everyday.

3. The videos relates to the textbook in many ways, some of the ways are that the textbook talks about how the different countries have a different impact of art. The text book also talks about Greece's architecture and sculptures which is also talked about in the video.

4. My opinion on the films is that they helped me understand the way the civilizations and countries have shaped art and how we look at things today. These videos have helped me get a better understanding on architecture and sculptures that I think I may have not understood just by reading through the textbook.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Module 7 Video Review

1. In the first Video: Architecture: The Science of Design some of the things that stood out to me were that in years prior downtown cities were starting to become only places where people worked and now in todays society they are the central hub of the human activity. Another fact that stood out to me was that there were two different types of weight that a building has to withstand. The first is dead weight which is the weight of the building itself. The second is living weight which is the weight inside the building when furniture and people are inside. Also before buildings are built generally they are built on a smaller scale with the surroundings built also and they are put through a wind test to make sure they will be able to withstand high wind conditions. In the video Architecture as Art some of the concepts that stood out to me were that buildings usually show a connection between art history and the culture of the city in which it is being built. One other fact that stood out me is that architecture seeks to impress by image and dimension meaning how it looks and how tall the building is.

2. These videos related the the textbook in many ways. Some of the ways I noticed were that in the first video it talked about how some buildings if over 100 stories tall can sway as much as 1 meter. In the book they talk about a variety of materials used to build and one of them is steel which makes a building more sturdy. In the second video they talked about how architecture seeks to impress by image and dimension, this is also talking about in the text when they talk about American skyscrapers and how they are some of the most admired buildings around the world.

3. After watching these films I feel like I have a better understanding of how architecture is used when determining everything that goes into build small builds or giant skyscrapers. These videos helped me understand some of the most important things about architecture and some things that I might have missed when reading through the textbook.

4. I chose these videos because I thought it would be interesting to learn a little bit more and watch a video on how it is that a building or giant skyscraper is designed and what it takes to make it actually happen. I chose the architecture as art video because I wanted to see how much art actually went into making buildings. I never would have guess that so much art actually went into the design of buildings before watching the video.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Video Review

Through the Eyes of a Sculptor:

1. There were many key concepts that I learned while watching this video. The first concept I learned was that molds are created when sculptors create a piece made out of clay and put thin metal pieces through it to hold in into place while they pour a waxy material over it and over time it hardens and then you peal the mold off which shows every little detail of the clay sculpture. Another key concept that I learned was that marble is a product of limestone which is formed when tectonic plates squeeze together underground forcing the ground to push up. But overall I learned that making a sculptor is all about personal preference and what your vision is for that work of art.

2. This video relates to the text in the area in which it showed us how to make clay models and then turn them into molds showing all the finer details. Another way the video related to the textbook is assembling. This was shown in the video when the pieces of the two horses and one sculpture of a man was put into one piece.

3. My opinion of this film was that it was very interesting in showing me how everything came together and how everything actually worked and all the little things that went into making a sculpture and the amount of history that is actual behind it. I feel that this gave me a better understand of how sculpting and crafting works.

Glass and Ceramics:

1. In this video there were also many key concepts that I found very interesting. The first key concept was that glass is made from sand which is the most abundant substance found on earth. The second key concept I thought was interesting was that glass is shaped with iron or wood that is shaped and the glass is rolled over it while the person blows air into the glass through a pipe. The last key concept which I found the most interesting was that stain glass windows are made from each individual pieces of glass and are hand cut and hand painted.

2. This video related to the textbook when they talked about the stain glass windows. These stain glass windows are hand cut and painted and can take months to make but the finished product looks amazing once put in the perfect spot. Each piece of glass is fit into a metal strip which is then soldered together to hold them in place.

3. My opinion of this film was that it was very informational and it helped me get a better understanding of this process and how this type of products were made. This process was very interesting to learn about and even better to watch someone do it on a video.

Peer Review

Hyperlink the Blogs you reviewed into your Blog: 
First Peer:
Second Peer 

Project #1: While viewing both peers projects I was amazed at how they used certain images for the corresponding Elements and Principles. Some of the images they both used were images that I would have never imaged to use for that specific Element or Principle that they used. It was an eye-opener that there are multiple Elements and Principles that you can take out of one picture and not everyone can necessarily see the same one that you see.

Project #2: The Blogs that I viewed had none of the same images that I used and that really shocked me. The images that they used though were awesome and well described.

One image that interested me after viewing my peers blog was, Frederick Childe Hassam Church at Old Lyme, 1905, oil on canvas. The connection I had with this was that there was so much emotion in that painting and I would love to know more about the meaning behind why it was made.

I feel that the peer reflection was very valuable to my learning because it allowed me to see what my classmates are doing but also gives me a chance to connect with them.

The comments I received on my Blog were very helpful and many of them had a lot of information that was useful for me. It is great to get feedback from others in the class.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Project #2

A. Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
  1. James Rosenquist's, Nomad, made an impression on me because it shows how much images impact our everyday lives. He used everyday objects or things in this piece  of work to show how to portray how images do have a huge role in our lives. This piece of artwork really made me think about how important images have become over the years and how we can't live without them.

  2. Philip Clarkson Elliott's, Shelocta, PA, made an impact on me because it has traditionalism in it. This painting portrays a sense of home that relates to many. This artwork caught my attention because of how realistic it is and it really makes you wonder the true meaning behind it.

B. What artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?

     1. Raoul Dufy's, Le Pantheon et Saint-Etienne-du-Mont, made me feel a connection due to the fact that it portrays everyday life. It made me think that buildings and streets can have impact on someone's life. Everyday things may not seem to be a big deal but if you stop and look around you can see art everywhere. This painting is very relatable which is why I had a connection with it.

    2. Henri Matisse's, Notre-Dame, was another painting that I had a connection with. The colors that were used stood out to me and caught my eye. This was another artwork that can be seen as everyday life. Landscape paintings seem to speak to me on multiple levels but also seem to give me a feeling like I am actually in that area that is being shown.

C. Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why? .
      1. Maurice Utrillo, Houses on the Island of Ouessant, Brittany, was one painting I would like to know more about. It's a landscape painting with a few people and a community of houses. I would like to know more about the meaning and why this area spoke to the artist.


      2. I would like to know more about Jasper Johns, Numbers in Color. This piece of art stuck out to me and got my attention due to the colors he uses, the texture you can feel from just looking at it as well as the rhythm of the numbers. He used many elements of art as well as principles into the making of this artwork. I would like to know more about the process he used to incorporate the elements and principles all into one piece as well as the meaning behind why he created this.

Logo Design

1. I thought that creating my logo was a fun and creative task. It got me thinking of many different ideas on how I would express myself in just one word. Although it started off to be hard at first the more I got more ideas on the page picking the right one was no problem.

2. The process I took while coming up with my logo was think of one word as to how I would describe myself. Many words came to mind and many different logos but narrowing it down to one seemed to be the hardest. It was not easy picking just one word or picture to describe myself because I feel as though there was never the perfect one. Throughout the process of creative thinking I finally picked the one with the most meaning behind it as one that truly does describe me the best. 

3. The most important discovery I made while making my logo was there are many different ways to portray myself. Another important discovery I made was one logo could speak to everyone about who you are as a person. It is crazy how one image can tell a lot about yourself.

4. The information I learned from the PowerPoint helped me start to generate ideas as well as how to eliminate them. The video, Graphic Design: What's in a logo, helped me the best to understand that a logo has to manipulate space as well as be a simplistic work. The video taught me that the more simple it was the better off it would be and the more space I use the better. Logo's are strong, simple and capture the essence and that is exactly what I used when making my logo. In my opinion this video made the most sense to me and helped me when making my logo. I feel as though the video, Bottled Up: Repackaging the Design, didn't make an impact on my logo making process.

Brainstorming Ideas:

Final Project: