Saturday, October 10, 2015

Peer Review

Hyperlink the Blogs you reviewed into your Blog: 
First Peer:
Second Peer 

Project #1: While viewing both peers projects I was amazed at how they used certain images for the corresponding Elements and Principles. Some of the images they both used were images that I would have never imaged to use for that specific Element or Principle that they used. It was an eye-opener that there are multiple Elements and Principles that you can take out of one picture and not everyone can necessarily see the same one that you see.

Project #2: The Blogs that I viewed had none of the same images that I used and that really shocked me. The images that they used though were awesome and well described.

One image that interested me after viewing my peers blog was, Frederick Childe Hassam Church at Old Lyme, 1905, oil on canvas. The connection I had with this was that there was so much emotion in that painting and I would love to know more about the meaning behind why it was made.

I feel that the peer reflection was very valuable to my learning because it allowed me to see what my classmates are doing but also gives me a chance to connect with them.

The comments I received on my Blog were very helpful and many of them had a lot of information that was useful for me. It is great to get feedback from others in the class.

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