Saturday, October 10, 2015

Video Review

Through the Eyes of a Sculptor:

1. There were many key concepts that I learned while watching this video. The first concept I learned was that molds are created when sculptors create a piece made out of clay and put thin metal pieces through it to hold in into place while they pour a waxy material over it and over time it hardens and then you peal the mold off which shows every little detail of the clay sculpture. Another key concept that I learned was that marble is a product of limestone which is formed when tectonic plates squeeze together underground forcing the ground to push up. But overall I learned that making a sculptor is all about personal preference and what your vision is for that work of art.

2. This video relates to the text in the area in which it showed us how to make clay models and then turn them into molds showing all the finer details. Another way the video related to the textbook is assembling. This was shown in the video when the pieces of the two horses and one sculpture of a man was put into one piece.

3. My opinion of this film was that it was very interesting in showing me how everything came together and how everything actually worked and all the little things that went into making a sculpture and the amount of history that is actual behind it. I feel that this gave me a better understand of how sculpting and crafting works.

Glass and Ceramics:

1. In this video there were also many key concepts that I found very interesting. The first key concept was that glass is made from sand which is the most abundant substance found on earth. The second key concept I thought was interesting was that glass is shaped with iron or wood that is shaped and the glass is rolled over it while the person blows air into the glass through a pipe. The last key concept which I found the most interesting was that stain glass windows are made from each individual pieces of glass and are hand cut and hand painted.

2. This video related to the textbook when they talked about the stain glass windows. These stain glass windows are hand cut and painted and can take months to make but the finished product looks amazing once put in the perfect spot. Each piece of glass is fit into a metal strip which is then soldered together to hold them in place.

3. My opinion of this film was that it was very informational and it helped me get a better understanding of this process and how this type of products were made. This process was very interesting to learn about and even better to watch someone do it on a video.

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