Saturday, October 3, 2015

Project #2

A. Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
  1. James Rosenquist's, Nomad, made an impression on me because it shows how much images impact our everyday lives. He used everyday objects or things in this piece  of work to show how to portray how images do have a huge role in our lives. This piece of artwork really made me think about how important images have become over the years and how we can't live without them.

  2. Philip Clarkson Elliott's, Shelocta, PA, made an impact on me because it has traditionalism in it. This painting portrays a sense of home that relates to many. This artwork caught my attention because of how realistic it is and it really makes you wonder the true meaning behind it.

B. What artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?

     1. Raoul Dufy's, Le Pantheon et Saint-Etienne-du-Mont, made me feel a connection due to the fact that it portrays everyday life. It made me think that buildings and streets can have impact on someone's life. Everyday things may not seem to be a big deal but if you stop and look around you can see art everywhere. This painting is very relatable which is why I had a connection with it.

    2. Henri Matisse's, Notre-Dame, was another painting that I had a connection with. The colors that were used stood out to me and caught my eye. This was another artwork that can be seen as everyday life. Landscape paintings seem to speak to me on multiple levels but also seem to give me a feeling like I am actually in that area that is being shown.

C. Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why? .
      1. Maurice Utrillo, Houses on the Island of Ouessant, Brittany, was one painting I would like to know more about. It's a landscape painting with a few people and a community of houses. I would like to know more about the meaning and why this area spoke to the artist.


      2. I would like to know more about Jasper Johns, Numbers in Color. This piece of art stuck out to me and got my attention due to the colors he uses, the texture you can feel from just looking at it as well as the rhythm of the numbers. He used many elements of art as well as principles into the making of this artwork. I would like to know more about the process he used to incorporate the elements and principles all into one piece as well as the meaning behind why he created this.


  1. Love your blog postings! I personally liked the painting by Raoul Dufy. To me it was almost drafted when created. With the buildings and all. But from what I see here the last painting you chose really stood out to me because of its designs pattern and many colors it shows off

  2. I think it is so interesting how everyone went to the same gallery and we all have different photos and different thoughts on them. I did not choose a single photo that you did. I also liked the first painting you photographed, Nomad. I like how you interpreted it, images do play a big role in our society. We are constantly being directed by them and I feel as though without them, we would be lost. Something I would also wonder about the last painting you chose, Numbers in Color, is why he used the materials he did. Encaustic and newspaper on canvas is something that is not heard often. I wonder what inspired his to use these materials. It is really a very interesting piece.
