Saturday, October 17, 2015

Module 7 Video Review

1. In the first Video: Architecture: The Science of Design some of the things that stood out to me were that in years prior downtown cities were starting to become only places where people worked and now in todays society they are the central hub of the human activity. Another fact that stood out to me was that there were two different types of weight that a building has to withstand. The first is dead weight which is the weight of the building itself. The second is living weight which is the weight inside the building when furniture and people are inside. Also before buildings are built generally they are built on a smaller scale with the surroundings built also and they are put through a wind test to make sure they will be able to withstand high wind conditions. In the video Architecture as Art some of the concepts that stood out to me were that buildings usually show a connection between art history and the culture of the city in which it is being built. One other fact that stood out me is that architecture seeks to impress by image and dimension meaning how it looks and how tall the building is.

2. These videos related the the textbook in many ways. Some of the ways I noticed were that in the first video it talked about how some buildings if over 100 stories tall can sway as much as 1 meter. In the book they talk about a variety of materials used to build and one of them is steel which makes a building more sturdy. In the second video they talked about how architecture seeks to impress by image and dimension, this is also talking about in the text when they talk about American skyscrapers and how they are some of the most admired buildings around the world.

3. After watching these films I feel like I have a better understanding of how architecture is used when determining everything that goes into build small builds or giant skyscrapers. These videos helped me understand some of the most important things about architecture and some things that I might have missed when reading through the textbook.

4. I chose these videos because I thought it would be interesting to learn a little bit more and watch a video on how it is that a building or giant skyscraper is designed and what it takes to make it actually happen. I chose the architecture as art video because I wanted to see how much art actually went into making buildings. I never would have guess that so much art actually went into the design of buildings before watching the video.

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