Friday, October 30, 2015

Module 9 Video Review

The Power of Art: Caravaggio

  1. I selected this video because I wanted to know the meaning behind Caravaggio's paintings. His artwork can have many different meanings but getting to know more about them are why i choose this video. 
  2. During this video I learned that most of his paintings were done in order to get himself out of trouble. He was always doing something wrong and on the run so his paintings served as an apology, for him to be forgiven from his sins. In some of his paintings he takes Gods and makes them into human form. One point I thought was interesting was how he clusters people/objects together to demolish the safety barrier between the viewer and the painting. 
  3. The text,chapter 17, stated that Caravaggio's work has strong emotion, and uses dramatic lighting in his paintings. The video goes into detail about how much emotion is in each piece of art by stating the meaning behind it. The video also talks about his use of lightness and darkness and how it increase dramatic affect in his work. 
  4. I really liked this film because it really went into detail about how much emotion or feeling can come out of one artwork. This video brought about many great examples of Caravaggio's art and elaborated on the points that were made in the text. Artwork is very powerful and can have many different meanings and the video and text added more understanding to those points. 

Albrecht Durer: Image of a Master 

  1. I picked this video because I wanted to know more about how Albrecht Durer uses the process of aging in this artwork.
  2. During the video I learned that his artwork portrayed scenes from daily life. They were relatable in a way due to the fact that his artwork conveyed ideas from daily lives. He also did a lot of artwork on his family and used his process of aging that he is known for. He was very talented and started his artist journey when he was only 13! 
  3. In the text, chapter 16, it is said that Albrecht Durer attempted to fuse Italian ideas and discoveries with the Northern love of meticulous observation. He felt that Northern art lacked theory and science which he incorporated into this work. 
  4. This film seemed to lack detail but it went into more detail than the text about him and his artwork. I feel like the text incorporated him in but the video had only a little more detail about him. This video did add depth to the reading by having more details as well as describing him as a person. 

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