Saturday, October 24, 2015

Module 8 Video Review

1. The video I selected from the list given was The Greek Awakening: Art from the 5th Century B.C. I had selected this video because it seemed very interesting and provided me an extensive background of the history of art in Greece and how important it was during the 5th century.

2. In the video, The Greek Awakening: Art from the 5th Century B.C., I learned how Greece was the birth place of western civilization. During the 6th and 5th century's there was a revolution in art, architecture, philosophy, and theater. Human beings are the center of life in Greece which helped in shaping art into what it is today and Greece stands as the furniture of the mind. In the video, More Human Than Human, I learned about how important images have become. The human body is the most dominate image in art and it is something we see everyday.

3. The videos relates to the textbook in many ways, some of the ways are that the textbook talks about how the different countries have a different impact of art. The text book also talks about Greece's architecture and sculptures which is also talked about in the video.

4. My opinion on the films is that they helped me understand the way the civilizations and countries have shaped art and how we look at things today. These videos have helped me get a better understanding on architecture and sculptures that I think I may have not understood just by reading through the textbook.

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